Business Population

How to channel the energies of an entire organisational system towards a common goal? How to engage people to express the best of themselves in order to go in the same direction and achieve common and valuable results?

Hermes Consulting has always supported organisations in creating and structuring communication plans that could ensure that employees perceive and experience the achievements of the company as their very own, in a clear and aligned manner.

This engenders engagement and participation, encourages people’s responsibility and gives them a boost in actively taking part in the company’s achievements.

Having a clear direction and feeling like an active part in its realisation, the entire business population will be able to express its best qualities to achieve the expected results and effectively implement the corporate strategy.

Within this co-implementation of common goals, maintaining an active feedback and monitoring loop is crucial to ensure effective communication and a proper execution of the strategy.

What needs to be done to leverage energy and involve the entire population in the implementation of the strategy? In accordance with our approach, it is necessary for a company to:

  • Generate a shared and clear engagement and communication plan to effectively convey strategic elements.
  • Foster a sense of energy and collaboration among individuals, enabling them to transfer change in a coherent and participatory manner.Engage management towards a change-consistent governance of the organisation.
  • Emphasize the crucial points that need to be communicated and implemented as top priorities..
  • Define and develop capabilities and behaviours of the key figures who will lead the change process (Change Agents) so as to facilitate engagement and effective communication.
  • Facilitate the creation of opportunities that promote the active involvement of individuals, fostering engagement and enabling the expression of each person’s unique contribution.
  • Activate a feedback and monitoring system between engagement communication and strategy implementation.


Good Government and good citizens

Ambito: Cultural of Sustainability Target: Manager Target: Popolazione Aziendale

Putting values and skills into action

Ambito: Leadership & Development Target: Popolazione Aziendale

Smart Working

Ambito: Digital & Human Transformation Target: Popolazione Aziendale

Learn more


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