Team building

All the Team Building activities we offer are based on the Experiential Learning approach, a training model focused on cognitive, emotional and sensory experience, in which the learning process is realised through action and exploration of differente scenarios, tasks and roleplay where participants become active players. Each one of them is called upon to deploy their own resources and skills to achieve a single shared objective.

Some examples


«Perfume is magic. It’s mystery. We recreate the smell of a flower. Of wood. Of grass. We capture the essence of life. What we do is a wonder, an art, and we have a responsibility to do it well»
M. J. Rose

Recreating experiences of ‘olfactory landscapes’, delving into woody, floral, citrus, fruity and spicy scents.  This represents a truly unique opportunity to reflect on how a ‘team of different essences’ forms a perfect perfume, where head, body and tail (the olfactory pyramid) support each other harmoniously, just as in a well-structured organisation. The perfume representing the team needs the expression of each individual essence to be powerful.


The essence of cinema is editing. It’s the combination of what can be extraordinary images of people during emotional moments, or images in a general sense, put together in a kind of alchemy.”
Francis Ford Coppola

Setting up a stage set, writing a script, going on stage as an actor, as a teleprompter are all elements that contribute to making a great show. They all profounfly touch the strings of mind and heart.

The participants of this team building activity put themselves to the test, designing and creating from start to finish a short film in which they decide on their respective roles and modes of action to realise a common performance.

The result will be the editing of a short film clip, to which everyone will have contributed. From the costumes to ‘the end’ appearing on the screen in the last frame. The product is realised within a true and authentic team effort.


Painting from nature is not copying the object. It is realising one’s sensation.”
Paul Cezanne

A workshop aimed at painting a small part individually, then a single, majestic picture all together. Action Painting is a social art experience. On a huge canvas the boundaries of what is mine, yours and ours will be uncovered. These boundaries can co-exist in harmony. The canvas becomes a mixing ground of colours and souls, where each participant unleashes their own creativity, in a mutual respect for the others by negotiating and promoting their ideas.


POP cooking: my own story. I have come a long way.  Everything is based on a team game in which it is paramount the respect for anyone working in the kitchen – from first to last – and anyone sitting at the table to eat – from last to first. And it is precisely this team game that my guys are exporting during their new experiences.”

This is an activity focused on acquiring a greater awareness of personal effectiveness within group dynamics, whilst managing individual authority, resources and time as well as developing collaborative behaviour and communication for mutual support. Each person dives into the kitchen’s scents and vapors, not just preparing and savouring the dish but also fostering team spirit.